In a recent video ad, Fiat USA compared its 500e little electric vehicle to a Tesla Cybertruck,

so providing the Cybertruck with free advertising.

With the catchphrase "You say tomato. We say pomodoro." the humorous ad seeks to show how Tesla and Fiat

both manufacture excellent electric vehicles but approach the market in rather different ways.

The tagline for the Fiat 500e at the conclusion of the commercial reads, "What an electric car should be

implying that Fiat doesn't think EVs should be taken as seriously as the Tesla Cybertruck

useful, entertaining, and appealing to all consumers, much like the vivacious Fiat 500e itself.

Without necessarily disparaging the Tesla Cybertruck, Fiat came up with a novel approach

In actuality, the commercial emphasizes that the 500e is as good, but at various things like parking and city practicality,

They even mixed in some funny wordplay such as "shock" (Cybertruck) and "aww" (Fiat 500e)

and "angles" (Cybertruck) vs "angels" (Fiat 500e). We really like what Fiat did there.

Ultimately, the ad's primary objective was to make viewers chuckle by highlighting the sharp contrast